Anatomy of Acupuncture
Pulse Diagnosis of AcupuncturePulse Diagnosis of AcupunctureAuricular Therapy


Msc (Yoga), PDNT, MD (Acu & Varma), PhD (Acu).,

Acu RK

Prof.Dr.G.RathinaKumar, Msc (Yoga), PDNT, MD (Acu & Varma), PhD (Acu)., Formally referred as Acu RK, Founder of *RK ACUPUNCTURE ACADEMY*, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India. Born and brought 14-04-1981 up in Trichy, Tamil Nadu.

His running RK ACUPUNCTURE ACADEMY as registered office in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India. And also run branches in many places in India. He was treated thousands of patients, eliminated their disease from the root and learnt a lot from them also we conducting many free camps.

He is discovered Snooker Acupuncture, Food Therapy, Self Anatomy, Extra ordinary Alarm points. These are simple but very effective. These techniques became so familiar and highly appreciated by many. It is a new concept globally.

In eagerness to spread awareness and not to let his students struggle as he did, He is conducting MD classes with Auricular, Scalp, Reiki, Varma, Cupping, Siddha, Reflexology, Food therapy, Seed therapy, Color therapies included. He want them to learn all the skills under one roof. He has trained thousands of students who are successfully practicing acupuncture currently.

*Snooker Acupuncture…*

I did intensive research and discovered many new methods of treatment. I discovered Snooker Acupuncture in which I cover 1 year of Diploma course subjects simplified in just 2 days with many new techniques. This 2 days course will give beginners, the knowledge of 10 years experience practitioners and existing Doctors can enhance their skills.

Snooker Acupuncture’s specialty is that, knowing patients’ single symptom, in fact without seeing the patient, one can diagnose his total past, present and future. Attracted by its benefits, world-wide many students desired to learn this technique are getting trained by me. Day by day students strength is increasing.

*Food Therapy…*

I explored on siddha based old traditional tamil food culture and brought it to existence. I transformed it and teaching as per latest modern trend. I am also doing food diet consultation without prescribing any herbals, or medicines or any particular vitamins. It is not based on any specific culture or region. In fact people in any part of the world can choose diet for their treatment with their locally grown products readily available in kitchen and not go in search of things unprocurable.

*Self Anatomy Therapy…*

I am now under extensive research in finding a patient’s past, present and future illness just by knowing his Date of Birth. Every individual has a unique feature which helps to analyze to which disease he is prone to.

*Extra ordinary Alarm points…*

I discovered Extra ordinary alarm points, where one can diagnose a patients problem easily just by seeing the patient untouched.

Also in my research I come up with many points which when stimulated in slight variation gives 100% results than its original traditional location.

RK Acupuncture Academy
RK Acupuncture Academy offers top-notch acupuncture treatments and online courses in India. Join us to enhance your skills and well-being with expert guidance.

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